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562 lines
100LETRS ARC 50073 7-87 001
1200BDTR FIX 4780 02-85 fix DTR on Hayes 1200B modem 001
121 ARC 77824 10-87 1 to 1 PC communications with Xmodem 001
121-V23 ARC 101k 8-88 Telecomm Program - Chat DURING file transfers 001
123FREE ARC 147794 9-88 001
1RD ARC 35840 8-85 1 ringy-dingy communications program. 001
1RD ARC 56303 07-83 Comm prgm from PC-File's author 001
1RD LQR 67866 12-84 one ringy dingy comm library (squeezed) 001
2400BBS ARC 5409 10-85 Partial(?) Listing 2400baud BBSs 001
440 ARC 68864 3-88 001
450BAUD TQT 4609 07-83 Running 300 baud modem at 450 001
450TALK MRG 1024 08-83 450 baud option for PC-Talk III (new) 001
6300BULL ARC 28455 2-87 001
68K8080M ARC 33920 3-86 001
9600-87R ARC 13696 4-88 001
960087L ARC 13312 7-87 001
AA ARC 3013 10-84 Quick Auto-Answer w/ Hayes 1200B & Xtalk 001
AC ARC 24576 Gilbrech's great area code finder. 001
ACE124 ARC 67584 11-85 Ver 1.24 of ACE editor. 1.25 soon. 001
ACOMCLIP ARC 11264 clipper comm routines-asm source 001
ADDSVP ARC 4179 12-84 ADDS REG/VP Terminal Emulator 001
ADDTRCOL ARC 23751 12-85 Merg/extract columns from/to a doc file 001
ADL ARC 20480 Auto-download utility for use w PROCOMM 001
AGS210 ARC 152944 8-88 001
AIO ARC 45056 Auto phone dialer. 001
ALLOCATE AQM 1086 11-85 create and write to a file f/PCTech 001
ANSWER ARC 2273 7-86 001
ANSWER2 ARC 17408 Simple electronic answering machine 001
APCP ARC 76800 1-87 PC-PURSUIT / PROCOMM Dial Command files 001
AREACODE ARC 14181 4-86 001
AT ARC 1792 04-87 Send AT commands to your modem from DOS 001
ATO322 ARC 82688 08-85 CIS communication program 001
ATO500 ARC 107648 09-86 Comm utility for CompuServe SIGs. 001
ATO526 ARC 182656 05-87 Automated access to CompuServe Messages 001
ATOADV ARC 20673 4-88 001
ATODOC ARC 58752 09-86 Documentation for ATODOC ARC 001
ATODV ARC 1031 4-88 001
AUTODIAL ARC 4444 Just what it says 001
AUTOPRCM ARC 50176 Add Kermit to EXECPC system 001
AUTOPRO1 ARC 64512 Create Command files for Procomm V2.4 001
BATCH ARC 4736 10-87 001
BAUD ARC 1024 3-88 001
BAUD CQ 1536 09-85 determine baud rate in C 001
BAUDCHG ARC 4055 6-87 001
BBSEARCH WRK 22272 04-85 Auto search a BBS list for an idle one 001
BBSINTRO ARC 7168 01-88 Introduction to Bulletin Boards 001
BBSNOISE ARC 1920 09-87 TXT file describes common phoneline probl 001
BCOM121 ARC 135843 09-84 BCOM121 Communications Program (Updated!) 001
BCOMPARE ARC 5690 7-87 001
BOOTXMDM C64 4480 02-85 ASCII Xmodem download boot for C-64 001
BOYAN-D2 ARC 194560 06-87 Boyan's latest comm pgm VG! 001
BOYAN-D3 ARC 122880 10-87 Excellent, friendly communications 001
BOYAND3 ARC 120094 8-87 001
BOYANDOC ARC 72769 8-87 001
BOYAN_RV ARC 3577 8-87 001
BRAIN ARC 64640 04-87 A programable telecommunications program. 001
BRKBOX ARC 5760 11-85 RAM resident break out box display of RS23 001
BRKBOX2 ARC 5251 11-87 001
BUSLETR ARC 334477 7-87 001
BUSY ARC 17k 5-88 Let your Callers Know When your BBS is Offlin 001
BUT201 ARC 87040 05-86 Unattended Modem Prog. v.2.01 (V/G) 001
BUTIL ARC 25616 5-86 001
BUTLER ARC 28997 08-85 Unattended modem program 001
CALLTIME ARC 78080 08-87 Set your system time from US Naval OBS 001
CALLTYM2 ARC 69553 11-87 001
CALLWAIT ARC 1536 Help for call waiting 001
CALLWAIT TXT 2048 Help... if you have call waiting 001
CALLWAT1 ARC 35968 09-87 Call waiting utility 001
CALLWT ARC 26624 02-86 Fixes Call Waiting problem using modem 001
CARDFILE ARC 40960 A popup phone index dialer 001
CF11 ARC 36704 01-85 'Wargames' dialer in Turbo Pascal w/ sour 001
CHAT ARC 8448 Chat function for MicroStuff REMOTE 001
CHAT108D ARC 41088 CHATATYA -Chat prog. for Outside in DOS 001
CHKDIR ARC 10920 12-85 like chkdsk for subdirs 001
CLEANLOG ARC 13312 06-87 Cleanup/Compress Qmodem SST logs! Great. 001
CLINK116 ARC 29184 09-87 SEAlink external protocol V1.16 001
CLINK12 ARC 31744 09-87 Sealink version 1.2 001
CLINK120 ARC 31744 external protocol for Qmodem 001
CMODEM CQ 9462 03-85 modem prog in C for Hayes 001
CNSMC10F ARC 43008 12-87 "Modem Cable" prgm to connect laptop to P 001
COLLIE ARC 277376 10-86 Nice BBS like Fido with extensions 001
COLLIE12 ARC 144449 11-86 001
COLOR XTK 256 01-87 Add color to xtalk 001
COLOSSUS ARC 151680 12-85 Bulletin Board System From Forbin !! 001
COMM C 5376 01-85 crude comm. prg. in Desmet C 001
COMMCALL PQS 3840 03-85 Another Turbo comm pgm 001
COMMDEV ARC 39313 1-87 001
COMMERCE ARC 4096 11-87 Listing of Gov't BBS 001
COMMSUPP LQR 37922 01-85 Communications support for DeSmet C 001
COMMUTLS ARC 1862 11-85 Communication Utilities 001
COMSET COM 896 08-85 like COMZAP,but makes COM'D.COM readonly 001
COMSET ARC 2139 6-88 001
COMSH17 ARC 87310 08-85 Communication Shell for IBM PC ver 1.7 001
COMSTAT0 ARC 6778 10-85 001
COMSWAP ARC 2560 6-86 001
COMTOI PQS 2816 6-85 Convert external process to internal 001
COMTUTOR ARC 32768 Communications Tutor 001
COMZAP ARC 6899 08-85 fix SET COMSPEC= for DOS2.0&2.1 f/PC Mag 001
COM_PKG LQR 26738 08-85 serial port routines/int. driven comm port 001
CSHOWNEW ARC 47104 12-87 Program to read CompuServe graphics 001
CSLOGIN XTS 1024 10-84 Crosstalk script file for Compuserve 001
CTSA0188 ARC 17024 01-88 1/88 CTSA BBS list & Newsletter - Austin, 001
CTSA0401 BBS 11648 04-86 Central TX Sysop Assoc. BBS List (512)+n 001
CTSA1287 BBS 12288 12-87 Central Texas SysOp Assoc. 12/87 BBS list 001
CVTFON16 ARC 64512 07-87 Convert P/d Comm Phone Directories b/t pg 001
D'SCOPE ARC 23552 03-87 Visually monitor RS232 ports (2 ports req 001
D-CUBE ARC 111488 03-86 Different Communication Program...... 001
DART XTP 14336 10-87 New Dart protocol for Xtalk Mk 4 001
DCBB1287 ARC 81920 12-87 Nifty BBS list/sort/print program 001
DCBBS787 ARC 7168 8-87 001
DCUBE ARC 111488 3-86 001
DIAL4 10112 09-84 War games dialer 001
DIALER BAS 19072 03-87 Modem dialer, works good 001
DIALER ARC 73088 8-87 001
DIALER95 ARC 11520 11-85 Bckgrnd dialer that uses QMODEM.FON 001
DL ARC 7483 Generate download scripts for PROCOMM 001
DLPCBNEW ARC 6144 11-87 Qmodem SST Multiple DL Script for PCboard 001
DND-BBS ARC 230400 Dungeons and Dragons BBS implementation. 001
DNLOAD HLP 2560 07-83 Download help on BASIC programs 001
DOSMODEM ARC 4096 01-87 Sent Hayes AT commands to modem from DOS 001
DOSMODEM LQR 4952 08-85 com port control from DOS 001
DRLIST ARC 15360 Buerg's LIST for CTTY remote use 001
DSCOPE ARC 23552 3-87 001
DSZ ARC 76854 6-88 001
DSZ-PAT1 ARC 1536 11-87 Patch DSZ for less memory requirements. 001
DSZ-ZAP ARC 18560 10-87 Use all DSZ protocols from any Comm prg. 001
DSZ0110 ARC 62208 01-88 Today's Zmodem protocol 001
DSZ0711 ARC 63k 7-88 Latest ZMODEM File Transfer Program From Omen 001
DSZ0830 ARC 82944 9-88 001
DSZ0921 ARC 50176 09-87 Yet another "almost hourly" release of DS 001
DSZ1006 ARC 52096 10-87 Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem module of 10-06-87 001
DSZ1015 ARC 53248 10-87 Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem module of 10-15-87 001
DSZ1015X ARC 41984 10-87 Cross comp. ver., faster at > 9600 baud. 001
DSZ1025 ARC 56320 10-87 Forsberg's latest Zmodem/Ymodem v10/25/87 001
DSZ1228 ARC 59264 01-88 Latest version of DSZ protocal tranx 001
DSZX0711 ARC 44k 7-88 EXE version of Zmodem release 07/11/88 001
DSZ_ZAP ARC 10k 9-88 Installs External Protocols in ProComm, Telix 001
DTERM1 AQM 10212 02-84 Terminal Emulator - TEST PROGRAM ; RDJ 001
DUMTRM PAS 19072 03-85 Terminal program by Borland employee. 001
DVED602 COM 45056 01-85 Visual edit put esc codes in txt 001
DYMDMCMP ARC 1024 09-86 Compare YMODEM downloads four programs 001
ECHOF102 ARC 3802 1-87 001
ECHOMAIL ARC 24k 7-88 National Echomail Messages. Electronic Locks 001
EM3270 ARC 56320 10-87 IBM 3270 Emulation 001
EMULATE LET 1024 01-84 How to get free Terminal Emulator PRGM 001
ETERM EXE 64896 08-84 Powerful smart terminal program 001
EXECNET ARC 9216 04-87 QM 3.0 -> PCB logon script - VG! Also PRC 001
EXECPC26 ARC 86184 Latest PC-TALK + DOC "2400 Baud" 001
EXECPCT2 ARC 93478 01-85 Exec PC-Talk Ver. 2.0. Good enhancement. 001
EXECTELE ARC 6912 3-88 001
EXTERNAL ARC 116736 4-87 001
FARGOLOG XTS 1408 12-84 Fargo RBBS Xtalk Script file 001
FARGUSER SCR 1664 04-86 Qmodem 2.00E Script file,for This RBBS 001
FASTCOMM ARC 6966 3-86 001
FASTPL ARC 1029 2-88 001
FASTPLOT ARC 10k 9-88 Sends File Contents to COMmunications Port in 001
FASTSCRN COM 256 01-85 Faster screen writes (disables Ctl-Break) 001
FASTSST ARC 2048 11-87 Patch for QMODEM to increase screen speed 001
FDC ARC 57472 11-87 Remote control another PC... 001
FIDO LST 16256 03-85 List of FIDO BBSs across the country 001
FIDO211 NWS 43904 05-85 Fidonews from Thom Henderson in NJ 001
FIDOFIG ARC 22528 Fido RUNBBS.BAT maker. Just ans. prompts 001
FIXLIB BAS 512 09-84 Fixes some unreadable LBR files 001
FMODEM ARC 5760 10-87 001
FORBIN NUM 1024 07-86 NEW Forbin Project Phone Numbers!! CALL! 001
FREAKER BAS 1408 10-84 Modified buster for USR password(pulse) 001
FREE COM 896 12-84 find free space on disk fast!! 001
FXMODEM ARC 14633 9-87 001
GATEWAY ARC 7536 08-87 Allows local keyboard use during CTTY 001
GATEWAY2 ARC 7559 8-87 001
GFX02 ARC 8176 12-84 Updated C/G driver for some RBBS' 001
GLASSTTY PQS 1705 08-85 dumb IBM tty - uses com_pkg.lqr 001
GOVTBBS ARC 4096 Listing of Dept of Commerce BBS's 001
GOVTBBS NUM 8448 07-86 list of govt bbs numbers 001
GT12211 ARC 148096 6-87 001
GT12212 ARC 146048 6-87 001
GT12213 ARC 66304 6-87 001
GT12214 ARC 113536 6-87 001
GT13001 ARC 185344 10-87 GT PowerComm Prg. Built in BBS V 13.00 1o4 001
GT13002 ARC 160784 10-87 GT PowerComm Prg. Built in BBS V 13.00 2o4 001
GT13003 ARC 84992 10-87 GT PowerComm Prg. Built in BBS V 13.00 3o4 001
GT13004 ARC 117760 10-87 GT PowerComm Prg. Built in BBS V 13.00 4o4 001
GT1402-2 ARC 164k 7-88 gt powercomm version 1402 001
GT1402-4 ARC 121k 7-88 gt powercomm version 1402 terminal only 001
GT700 ARC 145024 11-86 Generic Terminal 7.00 communications prg 001
GTCTL35 ARC 86144 04-87 Provides maintenance for GT1210 host mode 001
GTCTL41 ARC 87680 6-87 001
GTFIX ARC 2176 10-87 Eliminate the 150 use limit on GT 13.00 001
GTLOG47 ARC 93184 12-80 Log Report program for GT10 Comm Prg 001
GTLOG50 ARC 89088 01-87 GT Powercomm Report Utiliy Program 001
GTLOG66 ARC 93312 04-87 Provides usage stats in host mode GT1210 001
GTLOG72 ARC 89088 6-87 001
GTMISC ARC 30976 6-87 001
GTMISC13 ARC 18432 PowerComm Release 13.00 - Misc Stuff 001
GTSCR12 ARC 4096 Powercomm V12.21 PC Pursuit Script 001
HAMRTTY ARC 167936 9-87 001
HAYESTST ARC 1999 11-85 HAYES SMARTMODEM TESTER (basic source) 001
HAYESTST BAS 3072 1-80 Tests Hayes modems for proper operaton 001
HOST ARC 6668 4-86 Host prgm for remote use of PC 001
HOSTV11G ARC 231936 01-86 HOST/HOSTCALL remote/BBS Pgm w/ subsdir. 001
IBMMINI ARC 46955 08-85 T. Jennings mini comm prg for IBM's 001
IBMODEM ARC 10524 01-88 Communications program 001
ICPR20C ARC 43008 9-87 PROCOMM PC Pursuit CMD files from ICPR20 001
IMP243 LBR 81920 09-85 CP/M-80: Improved MODEM Program (Great!) 001
INK11 ARC 34816 06-87 MegaLink external file transfer protocol 001
INT13V20 ARC 12032 1-80 001
INT14COM CQ 1797 05-85 comm prg for PC-NET 001
INT21 ARC 10367 6-86 001
INT24 PQS 4467 08-85 access interrupt 24 from Turbo 001
INT24 AQM 5766 9-86 001
INTRCOM CQ 4992 11-85 bare bones int.driven comm routine 001
IO BAS 6016 05-85 3/12/2400 baud hayes modem io package 001
ISE ARC 47104 07-87 Procomm keep track of dial time 001
JARGON ARC 141312 Jargon 1.1 on-line dBase Clipper doc 001
JAXHOST2 ARC 31744 03-86 Run your PC From remote site 001
JAXTALK ARC 2048 02-86 The World's Smallest IBM PC Comm Prog.? 001
JMODEM ARC 88k 9-88 A New File-Transfer Protocol w/ MASM Source & 001
JRTELE ARC 62464 03-86 PCjr Communications Program - very good! 001
K9X610 ARC 128716 08-87 Version 6.1 K9X, Dog's Comm Pkg... 001
K9X610S ARC 174055 08-87 K9X610 ARC Support files. Take BOTH! 001
KERM118 ARC 47488 Use sliding kermit with any term prog 001
KERM1200 ARC 10806 7-85 001
KERM1200 EQE 11232 6-85 001
KERM227 EXE 84864 03-85 Kermit v. 2.27 (Comm + Heath 19 emul + .. 001
KERM228 ARC 38400 08-85 IBM PC Kermit v2.28 - Latest one 001
KERM228 ARC 38400 KERMIT for PC V2.28 001
KERM229 ARC 41728 11-86 Vers 2.29 of MS-Kermit 001
KERMIT ARC 12781 09-83 Terminal emulation program 001
KERMIT CQ 16384 6-85 001
KERMIT PRG 29696 1-87 001
KINGCOMM 3968 05-84 Color and Music at KINGCOMM 713-360-1316 001
LEDFIX PQS 1024 01-86 Fix Leading Edge "D" for REFLEX 001
LINOISE ARC 1024 Reduces line noise problems with Qmodem 001
LOG_USER ARC 3072 Limit Single User Program Use on a Net 001
LOOK4 ARC 13184 03-86 Maintain BBS xferlist using DOS 001
LPTX ARC 19200 08-85 capture line printer output via BIOS int 001
MAX ARC 94323 5-86 001
MAXWELL TQT 2464 11-85 R-V maxwell - Qmodem setup tips 001
MCOM103 ARC 108110 03-86 Unique COMM Program, doc. included 001
MD730C64 DOC 18424 04-85 doc for modem 7 001
MD730C64 COM 19200 04-85 CPM com file of modem 7 001
MD730C64 HEX 54144 04-85 Modem 7 for C64 in HEX (use LOAD f/CPM) 001
MDM ARC 2048 06-86 Modem lights on screen 001
MDMBOX ARC 1024 07-87 On screen breakout box 001
MDMBOX COM 1024 Puts Modem Lights On Screen 001
MDMBOX ARC 1368 5-87 001
MDOSDEF AQM 3466 02-84 Include file for DTERM Program 001
MEGALINK ARC 35k 8-88 File Transfer Protocol - External Protocol Dr 001
MENU XTC 9216 09-87 DCA update of XTALK .4 MENU script 001
MH022187 ARC 144384 03-87 Mini-Host BBS communication program 001
MH032087 ARC 149504 Mini, Private Bulletin Board 001
MH110187 EXE 158720 11-01-87 Version of Minihost BBS Program 001
MINIHOST ARC 104064 8-86 001
MINIMU 83968 Radio- Radio wave propag. forcaster 001
MINITEL ARC 45641 07-84 IBM communications good program! 001
MINITEL ARC 50048 Communications program. 001
MINITEL3 ARC 43786 03-85 '85 update of PC-FILE transfer program 001
MINITERM ARC 29940 Communications program. Has Xmodem 001
MLINK11 ARC 34816 06-87 The latest MegaLink transfer package. 001
MLPCTALK ARC 42447 11-84 PC-TALK for "MULTILINK" software 001
MODBUTLR ARC 92160 06-86 Modem Butler - Unattended communications 001
MODEM3 PQS 9959 11-84 modem prog in UCSD pascal (z80,8080) 001
MODEM7 PQS 9728 01-85 Turbo xmodem terminal pgm w/"inline" ex 001
MODMPROT 0Q3 10624 05-85 Xmodem protocol doc with CRC 001
MORSE1 ARC 16384 1-80 001
MSGVU121 ARC 62848 09-87 Scan Read Save dBBS Messages 001
MSKRM229 ARC 118656 06-86 MS-DOS Kermit Version 2.29 001
MTECH224 ARC 3072 9-87 Describes setup for MultiTech 224E 001
M_PCM242 ARC 6912 01-88 PC-Mouse menus for ProComm 2.4.2 001
NETWORK ARC 6928 9-86 001
NEWSORT BAS 2560 12-80 New PC-TALK Directory SORTER IMPROVED!!!! 001
NMAIL100 ARC 107520 10-87 GT PowerComm Release 13.00 - Net Mail 001
NMI LBR 8586 06-85 return from parity check error (untested) 001
NOINFO ARC 2048 03-87 Remove Procomm opening message 001
NULMODEM TXT 2k 9-88 PC to PC cable diagram 001
OMEGA102 ARC 59136 01-87 Excel Comm Prog from B.C.! 100% Assem 001
PACKIT HQX 12032 08-85 Pack appl. into a file for XModem.(MAC) 001
PARCHK LBR 4480 06-85 Turn off parity checking 001
PARTNERS ARC 24576 02-87 Move files from PC to laptop using RS232 001
PARTNR11 ARC 27843 11-87 001
PCBAR31A ARC 37888 05-87 PCBArc 3.1A -Maint.update to support 9600 001
PCBARC31 ARC 74752 05-87 PCBArc 3.1 - PCBoard Arc Door w/Squashing 001
PCCODE ARC 5120 11-86 001
PCDIAL LQR 69248 05-85 1 ringy dingy updated (Buttonware) 001
PCDIAL ARC 182400 Communications progr. from Buttonware 001
PCDISKSP ARC 3641 09-83 Find free disk space from PC-Talk 001
PCFIXLC1 ARC 3374 10-83 PC-Talk III fixes/enhancements 001
PCKERMIT EXE 70252 12-85 Kermit comm program for PC 001
PCP-RGVM ARC 3072 8-87 001
PCP2 ARC 28380 10-86 001
PCP24 SLT 1k 7-88 TELIX Script File for 2400 Baud PC Pursuit. 001
PCPDIAL ARC 51712 2-88 001
PCPFIDO ARC 7168 09-86 PC Pursuit FIDO's in Qmodem 2.0 .FON form 001
PCPGT ARC 29184 5-87 001
PCPPAL ARC 41984 8-87 001
PCT365 TXT 3328 06-84*Information on PCT-365 EXE 001
PCT365 EXE 93440 06-84*New PCT3 with nice features for 2.0 001
PCT365 TXT 3328 6-84 001
PCT3661 ARC 49274 11-84 Merges for PC-Talk to work w/ Multi-Link 001
PCT3JR ARC 2936 06-84 Merges for PC-Talk to run with PCjr 001
PCT500 ARC 121948 10-84 Enhanced ver. of PC-Talk w/EXE,BAS & Doc 001
PCT502 EXE 96000 12-84 PC-Talk...supports 192 phone#,music,etc. 001
PCT660 EXE 104960 01-85 Updated version of PC-Talk 500 001
PCTALK DQC 64546 1-84 001
PCTALK3 FIX 512 9-83 001
PCTALK3 ASC 45440 1-88 001
PCTALKC ARC 201088 5-86 001
PCTALK ARC 81920 02-84 Modem program 001
PCTC EXE 91392 07-84 COLOR ver. of PC-TALK III (3101 emul.) 001
PCTJ0486 RQW 4096 04-86 Review PCTJ 4/86 "Stat Corr" article 001
PCTQMD PQS 9344 05-85 source to convert PCtalk dir to Qmodem 001
PCTQMD COM 12928 01-85 Convert PC-TALK Directory to QMODEM 001
PCTQMD LQR 14259 01-85 convert pc-talk dir to qmodem dir 001
PCTRLX ARC 4569 11-84 Merge to enhance PC-Talk III xmodem recei 001
PCTSORT EXE 21120 03-84 PC-Talk Sorter (Compiled and fast!) 001
PCVC01 ARC 170624 4-87 001
PCVT ARC 35539 4-86 001
PCVT70 ARC 58330 11-86 001
PCVT81 ARC 33729 7-85 001
PCVT83 ARC 139264 5-87 001
PCWINDOW PAT 1024 03-85 To "decolor" it for B&W monitor. 001
PCWRITE1 ARC 76260 01-85 Fantastic WP! Works under M/L! 001
PH201-87 ARC 12288 04-87*Telephone Exchange Finder 1.01B - Neat! 001
PIBCALC ARC 46066 3-85 001
PIBCALC1 LBR 73856 6-85 001
PIBDODOS LBR 19200 6-85 001
PIBLIST ARC 39934 11-86 001
PIBLIST LBR 62720 6-85 001
PIBMDOS ARC 30208 10-86 001
PIBMENUS FQX 5120 4-85 001
PIBMENUS ARC 16015 1-85 001
PIBMENUS LQR 23365 6-85 001
PIBMUSIC PQS 11418 6-85 001
PIBPICT LBR 20224 6-85 001
PIBSIGS LBR 58496 6-85 001
PIBSORT COM 13312 04-86 Sort PIBTERM phone directory. 001
PIBT32E1 ARC 93555 1-80 001
PIBT32E2 ARC 98816 1-80 001
PIBT32E3 ARC 3993 1-80 001
PIBT32P1 ARC 91548 11-85 Pibterm Version 3.2 Part 1 of 2 001
PIBT32P2 ARC 99694 11-85 Pibterm Version 3.2 Part 2 of 2 001
PIBT32S1 ARC 95018 06-87 Pascal source to PIBTERM 3.2 Part 1 of 4 001
PIBT32S2 ARC 106240 1-80 001
PIBT32S3 ARC 95537 06-87 Pascal source to PIBTERM 3.2 Part 3 of 4 001
PIBT32S4 ARC 96088 06-87 Pascal source to PIBTERM 3.2 Part 4 of 4 001
PIBT3DOC ARC 72537 10-85 001
PIBT3EP1 ARC 126937 10-85 PibTerm v3 execs + docs, part 1 of 2 001
PIBT3EP2 ARC 114537 10-85 PibTerm v3 execs + docs, part 2 of 2 001
PIBT3SP1 ARC 84087 10-85 Pibterm V3 Source #1 of 4 001
PIBT3SP2 ARC 111223 10-85 Pibterm V3 Source Files #2 of 4 001
PIBT3SP3 ARC 98586 10-85 Pibterm V3 Source Files #3 of 4 001
PIBT3SP4 ARC 85682 10-85 Pibterm V# Source Files #4 of 4 001
PIBT40S1 ARC 150794 10-87 001
PIBT40S2 ARC 189500 10-87 001
PIBT40S3 ARC 168019 10-87 001
PIBT40S4 ARC 167503 10-87 001
PIBT40S5 ARC 124157 10-87 001
PIBT40S6 ARC 99046 10-87 001
PIBTERM3 NOT 3328 10-85 Description of PibTerm v 3.0 001
PIBTRM32 NOT 970 1-80 001
PIBTRM32 FQX 6492 1-80 001
PIBTSCR4 ARC 11046 1-86 001
PN ARC 7099 8-85 001
PNH ARC 25600 Auto Phone Dialer by Steve Hastings 001
POE ARC 84992 Great Procomm 2.4x Ext protocol system 001
POPT ARC 55296 5-87 001
PPE25B ARC 78848 ProComm Protocol Enhancer 001
PRCM21 EXE 82944 11-85 Latest Ver. ProC - 001
PRCM22 ARC 101358 2-86 001
PRCM242A ARC 124532 10-86 001
PRCM242B ARC 118610 10-86 001
PRCM242C ARC 26483 10-86 001
PRCM2DOC ARC 40832 11-85 doc. for PROCOMM2.ARC 001
PRCMALTA ARC 48128 Procomm util to use Zmodem protocol 001
PRCMBUL ARC 6884 10-87 001
PRCMDATE ARC 10240 10-87 001
PRCMDOC ARC 61184 2-86 001
PRCMDOCP ARC 121600 12-86 ProComm 2.4.1 & 2.4.2 Documentation 001
PRCMDV ARC 1024 12-86 Run PROCOMM under DESQVIEW. 001
PRCMFIXS ARC 30720 A bunch of fixes for ProComm 2.42. 001
PRCMLK2 ARC 3397 7-86 001
PRCMSCRP ARC 36083 2-86 001
PRCMTLX ARC 1889 8-86 001
PRCMUTIL ARC 33792 03-86 Utilities for ProComm 2.2 001
PRCMV24C ARC 74880 Procomm Command Generator. 001
PRCM_CMD ARC 9565 DOC's for PROCOMM 2.4.2 Command script fil 001
PROCM242 ARC 169936 10-86 ProComm 2.4.2 - Fixes bugs in 2.4.1 001
PROCMDOC ARC 137216 10-86 Procomm Version 2.4.2 Doc files 001
PROCOM21 ARC 108072 12-85 PROCOMM v2.1 with doc 001
PROCOM22 ARC 101376 03-86 Version 2.2 of ProComm 001
PROCOM24 ARC 126976 09-86 ProComm ver. 2.4 communications program 001
PROCOMDL ARC 26624 Procomm 2.4+ download script generator 001
PROCOMM ARC 105208 3-86 001
PROCOMM2 ARC 75904 11-85 ProComm v2.0 A WINDOW COMM 1 OF 3 001
PROCOMM3 NFO 2048 1-80 001
PROINFO ARC 17408 Info-Procomm Host and other BBS messages 001
PROMOUS1 ARC 4096 04-87 Use MS mouse with Procomm 001
PROSORT ARC 32128 10-86 ProComm dialing dir. SORTER! (New pgm.) 001
PROSORTA ARC 46208 10-87 001
PROTIME ARC 18560 07-85 Sets DOS time From Promodem 1200 001
PTP ARC 107520 03-87 Packet Terminal Program for ham radio use 001
PURSUIT DQC 1227 7-86 001
PURSUIT ARC 12288 02-87 A collection of information on PC-PURSUIT 001
QCALL ARC 20480 06-87 Analyze Qmodem SST log files for call inf 001
QF300PAT ARC 4096 05-87 Fixes some bugs in QFONEDIT 3.0 001
QFIMPORT TXT 3072 09-86 how to merge QMODEM.FON files w/Qfonedit 001
QFON BAS 6528 10-85 Sorts Qmodem phone directory 001
QFONE12C ARC 71680 Transit time no errors in sending 001
QFONE223 TXT 2904 11-86 Qfonedit 2.23: ASCII description of it 001
QFONE223 ARC 81536 11-86 Qfonedit 2.23: THE Qmodem 2.2/2.3 utilit 001
QFONE300 ARC 113664 04-87 Qfonedit 3.0 THE Qmodem 3.0 directory uti 001
QFONE301 ARC 114688 Qfonedit 3.01 edits Qmodem phone dir 001
QFONE301 ARC 115712 05-87 Qfonedit 3.01 THE Qmodem SST FON Editor 001
QFONED ARC 113664 4-87 001
QFONEDIT CQM 47539 12-85 The BEST Qmodem directory pgm. (Friel) 001
QFONEDOK ARC 23808 04-86 Qfonedit 2.10 documentation 001
QM3COM ARC 150784 4-87 001
QM3DOC ARC 116352 4-87 001
QM3EXT ARC 115968 4-87 001
QM3INST ARC 75136 4-87 001
QMDIAL11 ARC 45568 12-85 Phone dialer based on QMODEM.FON files 001
QMDMPCBB ARC 3678 02-87 Qmodem scripts for autodownload & more 001
QMODEM87 CQM 56556 12-84 newest ver 2.87 001
QMODEMJR ARC 81536 07-85 QmodemJr Vers 1.07!! 001
QMODKER ARC 7936 11-86 Info on Kermit for Qmodem (req.RBBS-KRM.A 001
QMODMOUS ARC 14208 3-86 001
QMODUTIL EQE 22360 12-84 sort and print your QMODEM directory 001
QMODUTL3 EXE 25984 12-84 Sort/Print QMODEM directory;sort name/num 001
QMSSTCOM ARC 157696 Qmodem ver 3.1 main files 001
QMSSTDOC ARC 128000 Qmodem ver 3.1 docs 001
QMSSTEXT ARC 123904 Qmodem ver 3.1 external protocols 001
QMSSTINS ARC 100352 Qmodem ver 3.1 Install files 001
QPRNDIR3 COM 14336 09-85 QMODEM Phone utility (Sort, Print, Etc.) 001
QS2 ARC 99072 7-87 001
QSCRIPTS ARC 8576 3-86 001
QUIKBMS TXT 3968 04-86 Use a pc to generate cics screens 001
QUTIL ARC 24704 11-85 QMODEM Phone Directory Sorter - Great 001
QWINDOWS CQM 16108 12-84 position windows in Qmodem ver 2.86 + 001
RBBS15 LOG 512 04-87 Script to log onto Fargo & read bulletin 001
RBBSLOG XTS 1536 10-84 Crosstalk script file for RBBS log in 001
READJR ME 896 08-85 Text file for QMODEMJR 001
REFLCOMM TQT 6400 2-86 001
REMOTE ARC 53132 04-85 TI-PC Comm program with XMODEM 001
RIXON BAS 384 01-86 Setup Basic pgm for Rixon 212A Intel Mod 001
RMS LBR 7296 12-84 help trace parity errors 001
ROBIN10 ARC 19456 01-88 ProComm round robin dialer 001
SCRIPT ARC 7424 09-86 Build Procomm script files (BASICA) 001
SCRIPT13 ARC 9216 PROCOMM Script maker for FIDO 001
SEALINK ARC 44704 1-87 001
SEARCHER BAS 2248 03-84 Auto-dial up to 999 numbers. 001
SETHAYES C 2048 12-84 set Hayes modem from Lattice C 001
SIGTIPS ARC 6016 02-87 IBMSIG Tips for The Source 001
SIMTERM LQR 112008 03-85 Jim Holtman's comm prg (see PCTech 9/84) 001
SL ARC 33792 System log. W timestamp notation. 001
SLASHPRO ARC 5120 07-87 Lotus like screen menus for Procomm 001
SONKAD87 ARC 8192 12-87 Sonka's Dec 11 1987 Chicago BBS list 001
SUPRSCRN LBR 2304 02-85 Solid mono characters for Chameleon(untest 001
SYOMINI EQE 34897 10-85 minitel for Sanyo 555 001
SYSCOMM ARC 232192 Full-featured comm. program for PC comp. 001
TALK450 MRG 896 07-83 450 baud (first one is better) 001
TALKDIR EXE 24832 10-84 Sort/Print/Swap PC-Talk Dial Directory 001
TALKJR ARC 33363 6-85 001
TALKJRIM BAS 50688 04-85 PC Talk for Jr. Internal modem 001
TALKJRIM EXE 88064 02-85 PC-Talk for internal modem on Jr. 001
TALKSORT BAS 1229 08-83 Sort your PC-Talk directory 001
TCOM ARC 5705 11-84 Communications program; fast, xmodem 001
TCOM LQR 7016 12-84 bare bones hi speed comm program 001
TDIAL ARC 40704 10-85 Hayes compatible sequential dialer 001
TEKDOC ARC 12704 5-88 001
TEKEMUL ARC 17028 07-84 Tektronix Graphics Terminal Emulator & Do 001
TEKSTK ARC 87568 5-88 001
TEKTERM ARC 94336 02-87 Terminal Emulator: 4010 and VT-100. Good! 001
TELEFON4 ARC 47107 10-85 vers 4 of Qmodem like comm program 001
TELESALE ARC 132097 5-88 001
TELIX ARC 131637 10-86 001
TELIX212 ARC 129576 4-87 001
TELIXDOC ARC 61538 4-87 001
TELXAUTO ARC 3072 01-88 Telix V2.12 Automatic PCBB script 001
TERMINAL ARC 28466 9-85 001
TESTFILE TST 896 02-87 File to test transmission fidelity 001
TICOMM ARC 7134 5-87 001
TINYCOMM ARC 14336 01-87 Worlds smallest comm prgm. - educational 001
TM31 ARC 47102 11-85 TMODEM 3.1 Communications program 001
TMJR21 ARC 49152 01-87 A good term prgm for the JR internal 001
TMODEM23 ARC 53467 11-85 .pas source for Tmodem23 001
TMODEM32 ARC 56949 08-85 Good comm pgm - color, music w/128K 001
TOPBRD ARC 6144 11-87 Listing of some of the "TOP: BBS DD 001
TSHARE ARC 49152 11-85 Background dialer / autodial utilities 001
TSTCOM LQR 5320 08-85 c prog to test com_pkg.lqr 001
TSTHAYES BAS 2816 10-84 Hayes test and display DIP switches 001
TT ARC 6784 9-11 Tells time to upload a file neat!!!! 001
TT ARC 7168 09-86 Tells Time required to transmit a file. 001
TTALK13 ARC 2688 05-86 Tiny Talk 1.3-Worlds Smallest Comm. Pgm 001
TTYASC ARC 31k 8-88 Transfer Text Files Between Computers, Turbo B001
ULTRA3 ARC 48391 10-84 The NEWEST and LAST wargames redialer 001
UMODEM LQR 38192 12-84 C source to VAX/UNIX 7 xmodem 001
UPDCRC IQC 1819 08-85 CRC xmodem include file for Turbo 001
USR9600 ARC 2048 07-87 Notes on using USR 9600 HST modems 001
VERSA11 ARC 84992 8-87 001
VERSA11 ARC 86016 01-88 ProComm script generator for PC Pursuit 001
VORTALK ARC 26658 12-85 Spectacular New Comm Pkg from VOR-TECH!! 001
VTXC64 IMG 12416 02-85 Fast Xmodem for C64 - see mail for notes 001
WAM ARC 40064 01-86 WOW-Another-Modem pgm..does scripts, etc 001
WCOMM15 ARC 54272 03-87 XMODEM under MS Windows V0.15 001
WWIV ARC 117760 03-87 Single user BBS in TURBO (super-fast) 001
WXMODEM ARC 24704 11-86 Use windowed xmodem with any term prog 001
WXMODEM4 ARC 54272 01-87 Windowed Xmodem protocol prgm w/ Turbo Sr 001
XFER140 ARC 38400 05-86 For use with JAXHOST2 001
XFER150 ARC 41984 09-86 Transfer files in Xmodem/Ymodem with Host 001
XMITT ARC 8538 7-86 001
XMOBUF64 DOC 7296 01-85 Xmobuf67.EXE is Xmodem for Commodore 64 001
XMOBUF67 EXE 18816 01-85 xmodem for c 64 (not .exe file but binary) 001
XMODEM TRS 2048 08-85 Xmodem for TRS Mod 1 - xmodem s/xmodem r 001
XMODEM DOC 8064 05-84 programmers guide to xmodem protocol 001
XMODEM ARC 36817 06-85 f/DDJ - xmodem engine in C 001
XMODEM31 ARC 21888 09-85 XMODEM v3.1 (7/10/85) fixed bad CRC's (xta 001
XMODM11 CQ 7296 01-85 xmodem C source (CP/M version) 001
XMODVMS LBR 30208 01-85 enhance your VAX w/crc checking xmodem 001
XTALK35 ARC 512 06-87 Remove copywrite text from Crosstalk 3.5 001
XTALK35 PAT 1792 6-85 001
XTALKDIL XTK 1280 03-87 XTALK script file to redial until connect 001
XTALKTIP ARC 8832 7-86 001
XTALKV11 ARC 55680 07-85 Xtalk XVI menu system 001
XTK36A COM 40448 01-87 Xtalk utillities 001
XYPROTO ARC 22365 09-85 xmodem,ymodem and crc/xmodem protocols 001
YAHTZEE ARC 11037 09-85 Yahtzee in basic 001
YAHTZEE2 ARC 36096 5-88 001
YAM LBR 86272 04-85 Yet Another Modem (C source - BDS for CPM) 001
YMODEM CQ 15360 3-86 001
YMODEM ARC 18944 05-86 Ymodem batch for VAX VMS / Unix maybe?? 001
ZCOMM2 ARC 99952 1-87 001
ZDOC0529 ARC 9216 06-87 Excelloent docs. on DSZ Zmodem releases 001
ZENO ARC 6561 8-86 001
ZMODEM XTP 12288 10-87 Zmodem protocol for Xtalk Mk 4 001
ZMODEM DQC 25942 5-86 001
ZMODEM ARC 29016 1-87 001
ZMODEM1 ARC 20112 10-86 001